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Agenda of İTÜ Talks: “Tomorrow’s Water and Drought”

by User Not Found | Dec 29, 2020
Last week İTÜ Talks hosted two important scientists from our university under the title “Tomorrow’s Water and Drought”. In the program broadcast live from İTÜ’s social media channels, our faculty members Prof. Dr. Mikdat Kadıoğlu and Prof. Dr. Lütfi Akça commented on Turkey’s scarcity of water, waste of water, fullness ratios of dams and the drought problem awaiting Turkey.

Rainfalls below seasonal normals and the gradual diminishing of dam water in Turkey brought up the issue of drought. Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ) Meteorological Engineering Department and Disaster Management Research and Application Center Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Mikdat Kadıoğlu and İTÜ Environmental Engineering Department Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Lütfi Akça commented on Turkey’s scarcity of water, waste of water, fullness ratios of dams and the drought problem awaiting Turkey.